For the next 20 days, Void Network people will travel in Chiapas-Mexico together with 200 activists from all Europe. This “National and International Caravan of Observation and Solidarity with the Communities of Zapatistas in Chiapas” ( Caravana Nacional e Internacional de Observación y Solidaridad con las Comunidades Zapatistas en Chiapas) is our small help to the communities of Zapatistas in Chiapas that day after day they face the brutal repression of the central government of Mexico and the state organizad paramilitaries gangs in all Chiapas.
The vision of Zapatistas is a vision for the liberation of all the people in this world. The dream of Autonomia is not beautifull words, is not a wish, is not a hope…In Chiapas the dream of Autonomia is a functioning work in progress, a work for liberation of the land and natural resources from capitalism and feudal elites, a work for free education, collective eco-agriculture, free medication and free public health care…A work for dignity and respect of the cultural diversity…Autonomia is the Earth, the land, the clouds, the animals, the people…and the Earth in Chiaps is Free and is Self-Organized by all the People…
We travel in Chiapas to learn…to learn making open assembly of thousands people, to learn organize our activities in non-hierarchical and anti-authoritarian manners, to learn touching the wings of collective reality and fly in the vast open sky of communal life…
( we are now in Mexico City, the people from “Other Campaign” (Otra Campaña) accomodates and help us starting the travel…They made a sweet fiesta for us yesterday and EZLN organized today an informative lecture about the history and the condition of their movement with Sergio Lascano from magazine Rebeldía, Rodrigo from collective Los Siu Rostro, Gerardo Mere from Unopii/FPFVI, Juan Chavez from Congreso Nacional Indígena…Void network participates also to the preperations of a film and short videos that will send the message of the caravan in all far away lands...)
“The earth is Mother Earth that´s why the Mother Earth is not for sale , we respect the Earth , the Mother Earth is a part of our community with its animals , its plants , its forests We were born on Earth and we return on Earth so the Earth is necessary for our existance.”
Juan Chavez from Congreso Nacional Indígena
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