We travelled from Mexico city to Chiapas…The Mexico city is full of young anarchists, punks, freaks, Emos, Goths that they wait with passion the Global explosion…After the 6th Declaration of Zapatistas that focus on the enforcement of connection of Zapatistas with the individual participating people, the non-hierarchical social elements, the non-organizations and the affinity groups the anarchists of Mexico are taking part in the struggle of Zapatistas and the “Other Campain” and expressing openly their parallel way and the complementarity of their fight with Zapatista…We have been to huge autonomous spaces, we heard about many independent radio stations, we saw 2 huge self organized concert halls-social centres functioning by U.T.A. (Union of Self-Organized Workers) that by surprise are total punk rock goth freaks, boys, girls, guys and queers that they work together in assembly producing anarchist and libertarian propaganda, culture and life-style…We heard about squats for house or for concerts, we saw many inssuracted students giving thousands of underground newspapers against privatisation of universities in front of “Government Palace” in the Zocalo Squire in the Square of Constitution, in the ruins of the ancient Mayan civilization, the Square that took place the fights of the revolutions for the last hundreds of years, the demonstrations of the revolt of Zapata, the caravans and the historical demonstrations of Zapatista…We heard the sound of Electro Techno, Gothic, E.B.M. and Dark Wave to roar in the night of Mexican state…