
International Film Poetry Festival 2014 Friday 28/11/2014 starts 20.00 Occupied theatre EMBROS Athens Greece

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International  Film
Poetry Festival 2014

Friday 28/11/2014
starts 20.00

Occupied theatre
R.Palimidou 2 Psiri.
athens. greece

Video artists:

D.H Dugas FR | M. Dickes USA | D. Wotton FR
M. Piatek POL | J. Solomko UKR | I. Shevchenko UKR
S. Wiegner GER. |
J. Brok & A.Marseille HOL 
T. Bentley UK | Visto Desde el Zaguán IRE
K. Polischuk UKR | MAI ΙT | Κ. Καρβέλη GR
A. Anderfuren HUNG | Γ.Πατεράκης GR | S. San GER
V. LeBlanc UK | E.Tsymbalyuk UKR | E.Στάμου GR
M. Craven AUSTR | P. Gialis GR | L. Kalyadin RUS
N.Κωστόπουλος GR | M. Mullins USA
T. Granot ISR | Orquesta de Poetas SP
E. Al-Ansari UK | D. Dirgela LTH |V. Giourousis USA
P. Müller GER | M. Lland UK | Bobye FR
K. Sargent UK | D. Fiori & O. Pohankova AUS
I. Andreevski HOL | Θ. Σπυριδάκη GR | G. Pryor USA
Didi SUD | E. Vinogradova UKR | Θ. Πάνου GR
Aγγ. Φραντζής, Ν. Πάστρας GR | S. Brova, P. Lypa RUM
J. D. Scott USA | I. Oravin FNL | S. Samyi GER |G. Sibilska POL
Σ. Κουφού GR | Ί. Μόσχου GR | Κ. Κυριακίδης GR
Σ.Βρυώνης GR| Κ.Καπουλέα GR | Rrose Present SP


Whitney Sparks (USA) |  Iωάννα Λιούτσια

Live Concerts:




Μulti Media Poetry Show:

T. Σαγρής | Σ. Δουτσίου | Γ. Ραουζαίος |  
Ο. Μπατάκης | Κ. Ζησάκη

Fr. Avenbach | Στ. Καλογήρου |  
I. Γαϊτανάρου | MattaBee

Πηνελόπη Δ. + TripmakerYoung |  
Δ. Αναλυτής | Xρ. Συριοπούλου


Junior X  .  War

Visual Art: 
 Void Optical Art Laboratory

 Produced by


The yearly International Film Poetry Festival will be held for third time in Greece on Friday 28/11/2014 2014 in Athens. Approximately 1000 people attended the festival last year.

There will be two different zones of the festival. The first zone will include video poems, visual poems, short film poems and cinematic poetry by artists from all over the world (America, Asia, Europe, Africa). The second zone will include cross-platform collaborations of sound producers and music groups with poets and visual artists in live improvisations.

The International Film Poetry Festival 2014 attempts to create an open public space for the creative expression of all tendencies and streams of contemporary visual poetry.

It is very important to notice that this festival is a part of the counter-culture activities of Void Network and + the Institute [for Experimental Arts] and will be non-sponsored, free entrance, non commercial and non profit event. The festival will cover the costs (2000 posters, 15.000 flyers, high quality technical equipment e.t.c.) from the incomes of the bar of the festival.

All the participating artists and the organizing groups will participate voluntary to the festival.

Void Network started organizing multi media poetry nights in 1990. Void Network and +the Institute [for Experimental Arts] believe that multi media Poetry Nights and Video Poetry shows can vibrate in the heart of Metropolis, bring new audiences in contact with contemporary poetry and open new creative dimensions for this ancient art. To achieve this, we respect the aspirations and the objectives of the artists, create high quality self organized exhibition areas and show rooms, we work with professional technicians and we offer meeting points and fields of expression for artists and people  that tend to stand antagonistically to the mainstream culture.

International Film Poetry Festival 2013 photos:

You can look here for some photos of previous poetry nights 

organized by Void Network and + the Institute [for Experimental Arts]:

for more photos from Void Network art, events and actions :              
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